Thorium Mod Wiki
Medicite Brick
  • Medicite Brick item sprite
  • Medicite Brick placed graphic
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
TypeBlockCrafting material
PlaceableTango Tick1
Dimensions1 wide × 1 high
Use time15 Very Fast
RarityRarity Level: 0

Medicite Bricks are a type of block obtained through crafting. They are made with Blood and Stone Blocks.

Crafting[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

Crafting Station
Work BenchWork Bench
Ingredient(s) Amount
Blood Blood 1
Stone Block Stone Block 1
Medicite Brick Medicite Brick 10
Crafting Station
Work BenchWork Bench
Ingredient(s) Amount
Medicite Brick Wall Medicite Brick Wall 4
Medicite Brick Medicite Brick 1

Used in[ | ]

Result IngredientsCrafting Station
Medicite Brick Wall Medicite BrickMedicite Brick Work BenchWork Bench

Trivia[ | ]

  • This item's name and appearance are based on Medicite Crystals, a now-removed crafting material that used to be used for various earlygame Healer items.

History[ | ]
